If I have the exceptional pleasure of flying a long haul flight in Business Class, I might get some excitement out of the wine list. But familiar favorites seldom taste the way I am expecting them to taste.

At a dinner many years ago I sat next to a woman who, when I said I worked as a wine writer, told me that her favorite wines were the ones with blackberries and plums. For a second I was perplexed, pondering how many wines actually had added fruit fl...

Wine aging is, at first sight, decently easy with big rewards. Buy a bottle, forget about it for a year or five, and get a completely new wine to drink. Some cheapish bottles can turn into memorable sensory experiences with age and the great wines re...

Beyond its refreshing and easy-going perception, rosé wines are the most technical winemaking style. Serious rosé wines can provide exceptional personality and character, as well as maturation potential.

Cheese, wine and bread have a lot in common. They are products developed by humans over thousands of years, often reaching modern levels of quality at the hands of monks, with the support of little helpers that were shrouded in mystery for most of th...

Sulfites in wine is a topic that can easily lead to heated discussions among wine lovers, especially if half the group favor classic styles and the other half has a penchant for 'natural wine'.

“Le vin du Diable” - the Devil’s wine. Not what one would expect to call the deliciously elegant bubbly prized all over the world. But this is indeed what champagne was called by many Champenoise in the 1600’s.

For sheer party feeling, or to impress fellow wine aficionados, you can’t beat magnum bottles. Unless you happen to be serving champagne from a 15-liter Nebuchadnezzar.